Where has #Carbonfeed been installed?

* Duke Hall Gallery, James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA. Sept. 5 – Oct. 15, 2016. Part of Harmonic Laboratory’s Recurrent Constructions exhibition.

* Habitats Exhibition. April 14–16, 2016. Portland, OR.

* Kyma International Sound Symposium (KISS) Aug. 10, 2015. Bozeman, MT. Carbonfeed was adapted into a performance piece for the Soundproof Ensemble.

* Bowdoin College Library, Apr. 10 – May 10, 2015. Brunswick, ME. Installed at the library in the main lobby. Over the month, the installation space saw 20,000 visitors.

* Moss Arts Center at Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, as part of Society for Electro-Acoustic Music in the United States (SEAMUS), March 25-28, 2015.

* Hamilton College, Clinton, NY, as part of ribbon cutting ceremony weekend for the new Studio Arts facility, Oct. 10-12, 2014.

* University of Virginia (Music, Science, Fine Arts libraries), Charlottesville, VA. Aug. 29, 2014 to Sept. 26, 2014.

#Carbonfeed v. 1.2 (Audio + Processing animation) has been performed at:

* Eyewash Festival, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH; Feb. 10, 2015
* Zerospace Festival, Charlottesville, VA; Dec. 3, 2014